People are being encouraged to vote today to select a new councillor in Glasgow’s Hillhead.

Polling places are open until 10pm tonight with the result expected to be declared at about 1am.

The by-election has been called following the death of Labour councillor and former MSP Hanzala Malik, aged 67.

A Glasgow City Council statement said: “It’s Election Day, Hillhead. Polling places are now open until 10pm. Remember to rank your candidates 1, 2, 3, etc. with the single transferable vote system. Your vote matters in shaping our Hillhead’s future. Let’s make today count.”

Hillhead is represented by three councillors.

The candidates are as follows:

Faten Hameed – Glasgow Conservatives and Unionists

Ruth Hall – Labour

Seonad Hoy – Scottish Greens

Alistair McConnachie -Independent Green Voice

Malcolm Francis McConnell – Scottish National Party (SNP)

Daniel John O’Malley – Scottish Liberal Democrats

Ryan McGinlay – Independent