Mark Smith: Is this normal? I’m starting to like John Swinney
Is it just me or does Scotland feel a bit 1990s just now? I watch John Swinney, I speak to people in the SNP, I see the predictions for the next election, and the same parallel keeps occurring to me. Mid-1990s. A party past its peak. The bucketfuls of trouble that come with a long time in office. An electorate that’s a bit tired of you. And Oasis selling concert tickets. I guess what I’m saying is the First Minister is facing his own version of the ‘90s. He is the SNP’s John Major.
Alison Rowat: People staring, prime minister? They'll be the unimpressed voters
Westminster has been up and running for a week, and the first prime minister’s questions have been and gone. But nothing says the holidays are over quite like the return of the Sunday politics shows. Or as the BBC continuity announcer put it: “Laura’s back.” To mark the occasion, Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg had Keir Starmer’s first major broadcast interview since he became prime minister. Filmed early on Saturday before he went on a visit to Ireland, the Cabinet room setting gave off the right prime ministerial vibes. Even if Sir Keir forgot, as he did several times at prime minister’s questions last week, that he was the leader of His Majesty’s Government and not Rishi Sunak, the furnishings were there to remind him.
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