BAE (before anything else), I’m with David Hay (Letters, April 4) and Thelma Edwards (Letters, April 1), in giving wonky grammar the bum’s rush, like with pregnant prefixes, postpartum suffixes, split infinitives, wandered prepositions, young mothers ending a telling-off with “Is that alright then?”, and proliferating exclamation marks. You know. Know what I mean?

And I still go all funny when I recall the 1950s “Jolly dee” end of sentence approbation from a radio variety programme which infected the vernacular until it eventually died the death.

R Russell Smith,

96 Milton Road, Kilbirnie.

THELMA Edwards writes: "There you hear him giving his nine-minute talk ...". I was taught the correct use of the gerund, and I suggest the words should have read "his giving".

John Macleod,

Uplaw House, Uplawmoor.