I BELIEVE in the re-establishment of a united Ireland. I consider the gerrymandered country of Northern Ireland created almost 100 years ago by the British Government to be an absurdity.

It is an example of how the policy of the British Government in the 20th century was to draw lines on maps which purely addressed situations which presented themselves at any particular moment in time – a policy which sought to address symptoms rather than trying to find permanent solutions. Other examples of this policy can be readily seen today in Africa, Asia, the Indian sub-continent and the Middle East, areas where many of the world’s greatest problems are all too evident.

I do, however, realise that my belief in a united Ireland is not universally shared in this country. How best then to persuade the majority of my fellow countrymen to back such a course of action? I believe persuasion and recourse to history would be a good places to start. The rash of republican parades taking place in Glasgow are, if anything, counter-productive.

I believe these parades and those held by the Orange Order are purely manifestations of the sectarianism which blights Scotland. I feel that many of the participants, rather than espousing any particular cause, are more intent in fuelling hatred. I contrast these with the All Under One Banner (AUOB) parades where tens of thousands can march with enthusiasm and good humour to proclaim the need for Scottish Independence.

Might I suggest those who would further Irish unity look to the template set by AUOB and seek to build bridges with the greater community and not seek to antagonise them.

George Kay, Burntisland.

I WAS born into a Protestant family in the Scottish Borders and have lived in various parts of Scotland. I am astounded by the hypocrisy of some factions of the Orange Order. It was Loyalists who disrupted the two recent republican marches. It was someone from an Orange March who spat on a Catholic priest when the march was en route though the city. Now they have the audacity to suggest they are being discriminated against. Since the republicans are receiving the same treatment, it would seem logical that the Orange Order elicit their help in the "right to march" protest. Aye, right.

Throughout the United Kingdom there is a purge on anti-Semitism and racism, so why is there not the same focus on rooting out sectarianism in Scotland?

Ian Smith, Symington.