An Aberdeen man found guilty of raping a student in his flat has been jailed for seven years at the High Court in Glasgow.

Alisdair Randalls, 30, who had been the resident DJ at nightclub Nox in the city, met the woman on the Tinder dating app.

Following an encounter at his flat in December 2015, the victim texted him: "Do you even remember last night and that no means no?" He replied: "I do not remember - sorry."

He was convicted of rape last month, as well as being acquitted of rape and sexual assault against a second woman.

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On Wednesday he was sentenced to seven years in prison, and placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.

Sentencing, Lord Colbeck said he had persuaded the young woman to leave where she was staying to be preyed upon by him, referencing a "harrowing" victim impact statement which showed the "significant effect" the assault continues to have.

Detective Inspector Ryan Morris said: “I hope this sentence provides the woman with some comfort knowing that Randalls has now been jailed.

“I would urge anyone who has suffered sexual violence to come forward and report it to us, regardless of the passage of time. Working alongside our partner agencies, we will support you through the process, investigate thoroughly and bring those responsible to justice.

“Anyone with information or concerns should contact Police Scotland on 101, or you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Scotland’s Procurator Fiscal for High Court Sexual Offences, Katrina Parkes, said:  “Alisdair Randalls is now behind bars and our thoughts are with all those affected by this kind of depraved behaviour.  

“He is a predatory individual who will now have to face the consequences of his actions.  

“Hopefully this conviction helps bring some comfort while also protecting other women from the harm Randalls has shown he’s capable of causing.   

“This type of offending has no place in Scotland. Prosecutors within COPFS are committed to pursuing justice for victims of such crimes.  

“I would encourage all victims or witnesses of similar offending to come forward, report their experiences and seek support.”