Sometimes you watch a TV show or film (or, you know, actually sit and read a book) and there’s a female character who is so brilliant that for whatever reason you, quite simply, get a little bit obsessed.

Here’s a selection of some of our most inspiring role-models from the world of entertainment. Obviously they all have their flaws – but hey, who doesn’t? Whatever the reason for finding a character inspiring, let’s embrace it.

1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Instead of being a normal schoolgirl Buffy has to, you know, save the world and all that. She doesn’t choose to be the Slayer – but she accepts her fate, accepts mistakes she makes and kicks ass. Seriously, no-one can karate kick quite like her. Plus, she comes out with some GREAT lines.

2. Hermione Granger

This one is surely quite self-explanatory. The main reason we wanted to get a letter from Hogwarts, Hermione is a great role model for working hard, being loyal and looking out for your friends – oh, and standing up for yourself when it comes to people telling you you don’t belong (yes Draco Malfoy, we’re looking at you *evil eyes*).

3. Jane Eyre

Generations of readers admire the way Jane Eyre constantly questions and pushes back against the rules society placed on her as a woman. She never gives up – and uses her initiative to get her to where she wants to be.

4. Brienne of Tarth, Game Of Thrones

Brienne is strong, honourable and carved a path for herself as a warrior – a role which women don’t really do in Westeros.

5. Jo March, Little Women

All of the sisters in this classic are inspirational in their own way but Jo has to be the best, right?! She’s opinionated and believes in herself, and it makes you believe anything is possible for a woman.

6. Leslie Knope, Parks And Recreation

Parks And Rec fans everywhere, rejoice. Yes, Leslie goes on dates and obviously wants to find a man, but guys aren’t her main focus in life. She loves her job, is ambitious and best of all, she knows how to laugh at herself. Plus, she supports gay penguin marriage (if you’ve watched the show you’ll understand…if not, start watching it NOW).

7. Katniss Everdeen, Hunger Games

Who doesn’t want to be as bad-ass as Katniss? From the moment she nominates herself for the Hunger Games instead of her little sister, she’s a total inspiration.

She trains crazy hard, is determined to survive but also bravely puts other people before her in the games. And she is incredible with that bow and arrow.

8. Cheryl Strayed, Wild

If you haven’t read Cheryl Strayed’s autobiographical book Wild (she’s played by Reese Witherspoon in the movie), what have you been doing?

After going through some really difficult things, she feels like she’s lost everything. So she decides to hike the 1,100 miles of the west coast of America – from the Mojave Desert, through California and Oregon, and into Washington state – by herself, and with hardly any money to her name. And she’s successful – something not many women have done. Nothing like a true story to make you feel inspired.

9. Olivia Pope, Scandal

Olivia Pope never shies away from standing up for people and what she believes in. She owns her own firm Pope & Associates, working as a political fixer (based on a real woman FYI). She’s a crazy hard worker and just so damn clever with how she handles those scandals.

10. Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars goes through a lot. As a high school private detective, she risks her own life, helping to uncover the truth behind cases that the local police just couldn’t solve.

Yep, she’s all about helping others, whenever she can – and she always sticks to her values.

11. Jess Bhamra, Bend It Like Beckham

The film that teaches teenagers everywhere to follow their dreams – and that it’s totally okay to be a tomboy, and play football, and, well, do whatever you want to do.

It’s so uplifting to watch how Jess goes against the pressure on teenage girls to conform. Seriously feeling we need to re-watch ASAP…

12. Hazel Grace, The Fault In Our Stars

She’s a teenager suffering from cancer – and is wonderfully brave about it. Going through something that most of us cannot even begin to comprehend, she always think of other people – like her parents – before herself. She just wants to leave a mark on the world, however small that may be.

One of those characters, whether you read the book or watch the film, that stays with you for a very long time…

13. Bridget Jones

Look, some of you may disagree – but Bridge teaches us it’s totally OK to wear big pants.

14. Mulan

THE best Disney character – yes, OK, we all wanted to be princesses when we were little but when you actually think about it, Mulan is the one we should all want to be.

She’s brave, teaches us that women are just as capable as men and she never turns her back on anyone. Plus, she sings some great songs…all together now: “When will my reflection show, who I am inside?”