Ever Mainard talks about her debut stand up show, Let Me Be Your Main Man.

Tell us about your Fringe show

'Let Me Be Your Main Man' is an hour long standup show about true things that have happened to me in my life.

I'm very excited about this show, I do a lot of riffing and feel like my material is always evolving. Some of the things I'll be talking about are: dealing with the heart-ache of a failed engagement, the drug ring that I discovered in my work place bathroom, and outlandish stories from my Texas up bringing. 

My first pick-up truck came with a factory installed gun rack.

Pretty cool thing for a teenager to have, right?  It was if they were saying, "Here, now your guns can be just as mobile as you are! YOU 16-YEAR-OLD GIRL!"  

It was weird growing up in a population so immersed in gun culture. However, I felt more of an observer than I did a participator (well..except for the gun rack).  

When I lived in Chicago I found a surplus of  used heroin needles in the bathroom.  That was a really cool thing for a naive, small town girl to find. At first I thought some diabetic didn't know how to discard their needles properly and then a man o.d. in our bathroom. That's when I realized, "Oh, this Starbucks has a drug problem." 

I was engaged for a bout a year when I moved to Los Angeles. When we broke up a lot of friends came out of the wood work and helped me get to a better head space- you know, weed, drinking, dancing- typical stuff. Except one friend offered to energy heal me.  

I thought it was a euphemism for something else, but it turned out to be some new-age witch craft. What I learned is that energy healing is when someone re-aligns your vibrational energy  by using their vibrational energy to sink up with the Earth's vibrational energy- and definitely NOT M.D.M.A.

How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time?

I'm pretty excited to perform in this years Fringe! I've never left the US and didn't even have a passport. I feel pretty lucky to have my first international experience be from comedy. Also, it's really cool how great everyone looks in their passport photos.

Best live act seen?

Ever? Or at the Fringe?  I've never been to Fringe- I'm excited to catch as many shows as I can while I'm there. However, if the question is best act I've ever seen- then I'd have to say Maria Bamford.

Best thing about the Fringe?

I'm really hoping it's the food.

Worst thing about the Fringe?

Well, I've yet to experience Fringe. Right now the worst thing is my fear of getting lost.

If you were not a performer/comedian what would you be doing?

If I were not a comedian I would like to think that I'd be a bio-chemist or a professional discus thrower. I went through a big, big discus phase.  What can I say? I love spinning and throwing plates!

How do you combat pre-gig nerves?

I usually try to convert those nerves into positive energy to use on stage. I don't drink much before I go onstage, but sometimes the thought of drinking after a set is comforting.

Worst on stage experience?

One time I told jokes for a Christian University. There were 1,500 students in the audience and at the end of my set some girl yelled out that I sucked.

It took a moment for me to realise what had happened, but thankfully the camera that was projecting my face on to the auditorium screens caught every bit of it. 

In a panic I yelled back: "That's not what your mom said last night!" and then went on to tell her that I boned her mom and that I was never going to call her mom back. 

Actually, I don't know if that's the worst on stage experience or my best on stage experience. Yelling about some bigot's mom and then walking off stage felt pretty good.

How do you recover from a hefty heckle?

I usually go with the flow.  I really like talking to people while I'm on stage and don't get bothered by much. I'm not saying that I welcome heckling, but I'm not afraid of it, either. To be honest with you- on the outside I'm all smiles, but on the inside I'm just thinking of a nice place to crawl up in and die.

What do you love about Scotland?

I'm about to find out! I hear you guys have feral goats - sounds dangerous!

What do you like about Edinburgh?

I'm really hoping that it's the joy of finding American food chain restaurants.

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

I used to throw shot-put, does that count?  Is that the same thing as stones throw?  I also drink a lot of whiskey and wear flannel.

Who’s your favourite Scottish comedian?

The only ones I really know of  are Craig Ferguson and Arnold Brown. Finding more comics to watch and discover is another aspect of Fringe that I'm excited about.

Favourite joke?

Oh, I love knock-knock jokes. A really good nonsensical knock-knock joke really tickles me. 

Favourite Scottish food/drink? 

I'm very excited to try out some new food. I've read about haggis, mince and tatties, black pudding, etc. I'm also wanting to try out some regional food as well.  I'm very aware of how droll that answer is. I'll have a better answer in August. Drink wise - does Johnny Walker count?

Ever Mainard’s debut stand up show ‘Let Me Be Your Main Man’ will be at the Gilded Balloon Wine Bar for the month of August for tickets go to www.edfringe.com