Lloyd Griffith discusses cheap beer, Lee Mack jokes and being Grimsby's most talented export.

Tell us about your Fringe show

My show is about how I was asked to turn on the Christmas lights in Grimsby but it turns out I wasn’t their first choice, nor 2,3,4,5,6 or 7th choice. So this is my chance to show that I am Grimsby’s most talented export…

Best thing about the Fringe?

So much good comedy in one place. So much cheap lager. So many nice crowds.

Worst thing about the Fringe?

Seeing your flyer disintegrating in the rain on the floor while people tread on your face

How many years have you been coming to the Fringe?

Since 2010 but only doing solo shows since last year

Favourite Fringe venue?

The Cellar in The Courtyard is amazing. Always loved seeing shows there. It’s underground and has a real fringe vibe to it as there are only 55 seats. I always find 8.30 the best time to see a show in that room. Not sure why, but always seems to be the best time to see a show in that room.

Best Fringe memory?

Sharing a flat with Romesh Ranganathan and Matt Forde back in 2013 but the only toilet in our flat was too small to use so we had to go elsewhere. It was a pain in the arse; literally.

Best heckle?

I once did my first joke at a late night gig in Edinburgh and a girl stood up, shouted ‘Noooo’ then vomited on the floor. It was both great and awful at once.

Craziest on stage experience?

Not crazy, just odd, but a woman casually got her breast out when on the front row of a show a few years ago. Left it out for about 5 seconds and covered herself. Nobody else saw,  I didn’t mention it and I didn’t know what to do after.

What’s on your rider?

I mean, if you’ve got a rider in Edinburgh then you’re doing a lot better at Edinburgh than me

How do you wind down after a show?

I do like to have a beer and then meet up with other comedians and talk about how full my show was, try and make them feel inferior then ask if they have a rider.

What do you love about Scotland?

Broon sauce. Late opening hours.

What do you like about Edinburgh?

All those hills keeping you fit

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

Went to North Berwick and had fish and chips on the beach. Pathetic really. Sorry

What kind of jokes do a Scottish crowd seem to respond to?

They seem to like it when you take the micky out of England. I’m English, but have a Welsh name, so I’ll happily be a snake and pretend to be a different nationality in order to get laughs

Favourite joke?

I remember the last thing my nan said to me before she died. ‘What the bloody hell are you doing in here with that hammer?’ – Lee Mack

Lloyd Griffith will perform at the Plesance Courtyard from August 5-30.