Felicity Ward discusses bagpipes, the Scottish crowds and tuba lessons.

Tell us about your Fringe show

I’ve written a show about mental illness & irritable bowel syndrome because I hate making money.

Best thing about the Fringe?

Getting to perform my show every night.

Worst thing about the Fringe?

Having to perform my show every night.

How many years have you been coming to the Fringe?

This is my 6th Fringe show, but in my heart I never left. *cue bagpipes*

Favourite Fringe venue?

Any that has air conditioning.

Best Fringe memory?

Being lifted up by my hips, Dirty Dancing style, in the middle of the dance floor to “I’ve had the time of my life.” Don’t worry, I was wearing my “good” undies.

Best heckle?

Someone threw a biscuit at me once. Joke's on them; I was hungry.

Craziest on stage experience?

Was a back-up dancer on the last night of Hot Dub Time Machine in 2013. Balloons and glitter cannons and dancing for 1200 people. Pretty dope.

What’s on your rider?

During Edinburgh Fringe? BAHAHAHAHA. No rider mate.

How do you wind down after a show?

Go on the hunt for some friends to chat with; that ends up as either the greatest night of my life, or it looks like a girl in a backpack wandering through bars looking lonely.

What do you love about Scotland?

Everything: The people. The landscape. The hardiness of both. The weather can piss right off though.

What do you like about Edinburgh?

It looks beautiful in sunshine or in snow. Mountain. Sea. Cobblestones.  You’ve never walked in a city with a higher chance of breaking your ankle.

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

Eaten cheesy chips at sunrise in the meadow afraid of giant seagulls.

What kind of jokes do a Scottish crowd seem to respond to?

Scottish crowds and Edinburgh Fringe crowds are different things.

Favourite joke?

Little Johnny comes home from Tuba lessons. “Dad, I learnt to play a G today.”

Next week, Little Johnny comes home again from Tuba lessons. “Dad I learnt to play a C today.”

Next week he doesn’t come home. Dad asks Mum, “Where’s little Johnny?” 

“He’s got a gig."

Felicity Ward will perform at Pleasance Courtyard on August 12-16 and 18-31.