Tell us about your Fringe show

My show is a solo physical comedy featuring puppetry, it’s absurd, weird, often magical and it’ll make you laugh… it recently toured Australia and went down very well there.

How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time?

Although this is my first time as a solo comedy performer I have performed at 5 previous Fringes in plays… it’s the solo aspect that is most nerve wracking. I’m stepping onto new ground but I feel prepared, what’s the worst that can happen… right?

Best live act seen at Fringe?

All Wear Bowlers – Pig Iron, a duo clown show in 2005.

Best thing about the Fringe?

Copious drinking.

Worst thing about the Fringe?

Copious drinking.

If you were not a performer/comedian what would you be doing?

Making things, props, woodwork.

What do your family think of your show?

My mother would love it regardless, no one else has seen it yet.

How do you combat pre-gig nerves?

Talk to my teddy bear and drink.

Worst on stage experience?

Running backwards whilst puppeteering the head of Topthorn in War Horse and falling over the plough.

How do you recover from a hefty heckle? Do you have a set of stock replies?

I don’t talk in the show so verbal replies aren’t possible but I have a range of devices designed to embarrass idiots; mainly by temporarily making them the stars of the show.

What do you love about Scotland?

The scenery the whiskey and the beer.

What do you like about Edinburgh?

The tiny winding passages.

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

Eaten square sausage for breakfast, dinner and tea.

Who’s your favourite Scottish comedian?

Billy Connolly, I grew up with him.

Favourite joke?

My wages.

Henry Maynard will perform as Tatterdemalion in the Flabbergast Theatre production at the Assembly Roxy on August 22 – 31. For tickets, visit