Colin Cloud on being a 'Forensic Mind Reader'.

1 Tell us about your Fringe show

My name is Colin Cloud. I’m a ‘Forensic Mind Reader’ which means I take all of my past experience in Forensic Science, Criminal Profiling, Stand Up Comedy and Mentalism to create an experience which has been describe as being the closest thing you’ll ever experience to a real life Sherlock Holmes. 

My brand new show, ‘Colin Cloud: Kills’ is a progression of last years show. So the volume of information I’m able to reveal about people has increased, I’m able to work with more people and, most importantly, this year, I’m going to try to get away with a murder (not actual murder, that would be wrong and probably slightly inconvenient for the victim … you’ll have to come and watch to see what I mean).

2 Best thing about the Fringe?

The best thing about the Fringe is how long it is. I love that for three weeks I get a chance to hone and perfect the show which I’ve been working on for six months before taking it on the road around the country to a variety of different audiences. And also that Starbucks on the Royal Mile stays open until midnight. I mean, it’s like we’re in New York.  

3 Worst thing about the Fringe?

The worst thing about the Fringe is now long it is. For three weeks I need to do the same thing in the same ‘office’ every day! Nah, not really! The exciting thing about my show is that every audience makes the show completely different every day. So while there are always certain themes I will cover, I do need to be ready to wing it to an extent. 

The worst thing about the Fringe is that when you’re in Brooke’s Bar or Abattoir, people are constantly looking over their shoulder to see who else is around, or who’s walking into the room. So really, if we could do away with all that ego driven, celeb crazed nonsense, it would be a much more enjoyable experience for all.

4 How many years have you been coming to the Fringe?

This is my second year performing my solo show at the fringe. Last year, my first show, ‘The Forensic Mind Reader’ completely sold out after the first few days into the run, which was both unexpected and wonderful at the same time. However, I remember coming into Edinburgh with my friends as a teenager just to get a sense of the atmosphere. It really hasn’t changed much at all!

5 Favourite Fringe venue?

The Above in the Pleasance Courtyard. I mean, I need to say that, right? I’m about to spend a month in there. I suppose before that though, it was probably the Big Cave with Just the Tonic. I’ve performed a variety of shows in there over the years, so it’s going to be weird not ending a Fringe run this year and managed to not contract pneumonia.

6 Best Fringe memory?

Last year, winning the Skinny Magazine ‘Talk of the Town’ award for my other show was quite incredible! I suppose, beyond that, it was just the fact that the show was so well received by every audience who saw it. It did create the panic of the difficult second album syndrome for a little while. But that fear wonderfully motivated me to ensure this show is even better. I hope. We’ll see. Shit, what if it isn’t … Not really. It is. I hope…

7 Best heckle?

It’s bizarre, I don’t get heckled really! Of course, now, in saying that I’ve just given people free reign to think they can join in, yet ultimately embarrass themselves. I think that because my show is entirely interactive, people know that I’m going to be ready for them. I also know what they’re thinking, right? So I not only know what the heckle is going to be, I combat the heckle before they even have a chance to consider whether or not they have the confidence to say it with conviction. So umm, one nil to Colin.

8 Craziest on stage experience?

The craziest thing I’ve ever done on stage, certainly the most ambitious, is the piece I’m closing this new show with. It’s taken months of writing and rewriting to ensure it’s dealt with both delicately and entreatingly without seeming inappropriate. Obviously I don’t want to say what it is exactly I’m doing yet, but hopefully that mystery and suspense will eat away at you all day until the point where you can no longer resist buying your tickets now to come and be a part of it. Good. See you there.

9 What’s on your rider?

I keep asking if someone can provide me with Taylor Swift’s phone number. It still has not yet arrived. I’m sure they’re working on it. If anyone can help with that though, I know she’s expecting my call. That and coffee. And caffeine is practically a drug, so I must admit, I do feel pretty ‘bad-ass.’ 

10 How do you wind down after a show?

I love to have a bath and play with my cats. I want to make it clear that I don’t play with my cats in the bath. That would be weird! Goodness no … They make me get out of the bath first and then they get in. I do love the two of them to pieces though and they’re always still up when I get home looking to be played with, so it’s a wonderful way to chill out. 

11 What do you love about Scotland?

I love the heritage Scotland has in the evolution of Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was obviously born and studied in Edinburgh. So without all of that, his great consulting detective would never have been devised and without all of that playing such a major influencer on my life, I don’t really have any idea what I’d be doing now.

12 What do you like about Edinburgh?

I like August in Edinburgh. It because such a different city. Neither in a good nor a bad way. It just completely changes. It’s more energetic and alive than any other time of year. It’s always the fastest month of the year, but once I get my first few shows out of the way and relax, I really get into enjoying the entire experience. 

13 What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

… Ensured I was born here?

14 What kind of jokes do a Scottish crowd seem to respond to?

Scottish people, unlike any other culture, like to see you ‘ripping into’ the friend they’re at the show with. They all HATE when it’s them, but they put up with it, but there is nothing Scottish people love to see more than when you destroy (their word) the person they’re sitting beside. Clearly some quality team morale there.

15 Favourite joke?

Anything that involves you ripping into my friends. Just leave me out of it. 


Colin Cloud’s new illusion show Colin Cloud Kills will be at the Pleasance Courtyard from 5th – 30th August for tickets go to