Kate Lucas talks about her debut Festival comedy show, Whatever happened to Kate Lucas.   

Tell us about your Fringe show

For my show I've basically taken a very trivial non-event and blown it massively out of proportion. I convinced myself one evening that I was going to die (for about 5 minutes) and it's a show about some of the the things I think about when faced with the idea of death. It sounds depressing but most of it is just completely ridiculous.

How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time? 

This isn't my first time at the Fringe but it's my first proper solo show. I feel a mixture of really excited and physically sick.

Best live act seen at Fringe? 

Nick Helm I think. He's got an amazing husky/gravelly voice and he has two settings, rock star and pathetic mess. I never get bored watching him or have to make an effort to laugh because he's got such conviction, it's infectious.

Best thing about the Fringe? 

It seems to be acceptable to drink continuously for an entire month which suits me. It's just a great atmosphere and you lose concept of time for a bit because it's always buzzing and there's so much going on.

Worst thing about the Fringe? 

Cagoules. My friend Ben Fogg once said there is nothing more depressing than a cagoule and I agree. We noticed that the kind of people who like to come to shows to stare at you silently are also the kind of people who like to keep their cagoules on indoors.

If you were not a performer/comedian what would you be doing?

I think I'd just be wingeing a lot. 

How do you combat pre-gig nerves? 

I spend a lot of time trying to get my head to shut up. If I'm very nervous I try to remember the feeling of being drunk when you don't give a toss.

Worst on stage experience?

I've had people vomit on the table, fight, tell me I'm a slag - so it's hard to choose a top spot but there've been one or two gigs where someone in the audience has morphed into an "angry drunk" and that's always weird because everyone notices them, reasoning is useless and you're left with making fun of an angry drunk which is a ridiculous idea. You start worrying that you're a perfectly positioned, really well lit target.

How do you recover from a hefty heckle?

Usually if some one doesn't like me they start chatting loudly to their friend. I prefer it when they have the guts to heckle directly. Then everyone's usually rooting for you. I don't like confrontation but I have one heckle put down for emergencies and after that I just cross my fingers. My favourite heckle was from a lady who shouted "NO. NASTY. WRONG" in a pause in a song.

What do you love about Scotland? 

The Scottish accent is the sexiest accent. I like that Scotland has a lot of spirit and identity. From the outside it looks like people are still proud to keep traditions going and they're proud of their own history in a way that the English can't be really.

What do you like about Edinburgh? 

I feel like Edinburgh has the atmosphere of a warm pub with a fire (Not to call a whole city a giant pub) it's very beautiful. 

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

I had a sore throat in a pub in Edinburgh and the bar man made me a hot toddy. (Wasn't sure how good whiskey is for your throat but I also didn't ask.)

Who’s your favourite Scottish comedian?  Billy Connolly 15   Favourite joke?

 "Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares? He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.”

Favourite Scottish food/drink? 

Scottish fish and chips are the best fish and chips anywhere. I genuinely get on the train back to London and think about how much I'll miss the chips for another year. Henderson's restaurant in Edinburgh is also lovely.

Kate Lucas premieres her debut Edinburgh Festival comedy show WHATEVER HAPPENED TO KATE LUCAS?  at the Pleasance Courtyard – Bunker Two for the month of August for tickets go to www.edfringe.com