Pete Otway talks about his new show, Six Years Since Then.

1. Tell us about your Fringe show

It’s called Six Years From Then. It’s mainly the story of breaking up with the girl I was meant to be with and getting back with her a long time later. The show takes in the six years in between.

  1. How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time?

Exciting a terrifying in equal measure. I’ve been up other years as part of mixed bills on shows that have lots of up-and-coming acts on. This year, taking my own show, feels like a huge step!

  1. Best live act seen at Fringe?

Terry Alderton in 2011. It was such a whirlwind of a show, it really blew me away. I went to see it with a friend. We walked out of it at the end and were just doing that thing where you recount it over between you for the next hour.

  1. Best thing about the Fringe?

Being in Edinburgh is a massive part of it. It’s one of my favourite cities in the world so I love that I get to spend a month there.

  1. Worst thing about the Fringe?

Paying £1000 to sleep in a living room.

  1. If you were not a performer/comedian what would you be doing?

I often think about this, more through panic than any calm day dream.

  1. How do you combat pre-gig nerves?

There’s nothing you can really do to combat them other than just getting on stage and getting on with it.

  1. Worst on stage experience?

I once did a gig to about 40 prison guards in Liverpool. I thought they’d be really rowdy but it was worse than that. They just stared angrily. Half way through my set I just heard one of them sigh.

  1. How do you recover from a hefty heckle? Do you have a set of stock replies?

I do, but I try to take each heckle as they come. Things are far funnier in the moment. A stock putdown will never be as funny as something that takes in the actual situation that is in front of you.

  1. What do you love about Scotland?

I think it’s the honesty of the people. A couple of years ago I went into a shop in Edinburgh to buy some bread, accidently picking up a cheap moldy loaf. I picked up some other stuff when the old lady that worked there told me I’d got bread for ducks. For some reason, I didn’t want to admit that I’d made a mistake so I told her that’s what I was buying it for. To feed ducks. She looked at the only other item I’d picked up and asked me “Are you going to butter it for them as well?”

  1. What do you like about Edinburgh?

I’m a huge fan or Arthur’s Seat. Every year, half way through the festival when we have a day off, I drag some other comedians up there. I think they’re getting sick of me doing it so might need to find new friends this year.

  1. What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

At the risk of stereotyping, I once ate a large bar of tablet for breakfast. I was on a sugar rush until about 3 in the afternoon.

  1. Who’s your favourite Scottish comedian?

Frankie Boyle.

14. Favourite Scottish food/drink?

The first time I went to Edinburgh I found myself in a chip shop at 2am. I tried pretty much every food they would deep fat fry. Pizza, Burgers with the bun, Pies. It was a wonderful night (morning)

Pete Otway: Six Years Since Then  is on at Just the Tonic at The Mash House until August 28.