Brennan Reece talks about his new show, Everglow. 

1        Tell us about your Fringe show 

Everglow is all about growing up, navigating that purgatory of purpose and pubes. The pure joy of being a care free childlike soul who has been thrown into a world of responsibility and properness. Imagine Peter Pan suddenly having to work in sales...that. 

2        How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time? 

It's such a mixed bag of emoji's. It is exciting and terrifying, thrilling and revealing. Everyone seems to put pressure on you...Do you think you'll be on the telly? Will you get reviews? What is your shows 'theme'? If I had it my way, I would scrap all that and just talk about my widge for an hour! 

3        Best live act seen at Fringe? 

I visited the fringe a couple of years ago, and was lucky enough to get tickets to see Bo Burnham at The Pleasance. It blew my tiny little mind. I was like a giddy toddler. It made me want to rip up all my jokes and start again...the highest compliment any comedian can give another 

4        Best thing about the Fringe? 

There is no escaping it. It is 24/7. Everywhere you go...FRINGE...Everything you do...FRINGE...Anyone you see...FRINGE!!! 

5        Worst thing about the Fringe? 

There is no escaping it. It is 24/7. Everywhere you go...FRINGE...Everything you do...FRINGE...Anyone you see...FRINGE!!! 

6        If you were not a comedian what would you be doing? 

Hmm...growing up there are so many things I would have liked to have been, I would have liked to have been a wrestler, but I don't have the upper body strength, or a zoo keeper, but I don't like poo, or an astronaut, or a long distance lorry driver, or a dinnerlady or a burglar. There are not many other jobs you can do when you have the attention span of me. 

7       How do you combat pre-gig nerves? 

Luckily I don't really get nervous. Like nervous nervous. Like 'sick in a bin' nervous. Being on stage is one of the few places I feel at home, it makes me forget all the rubbishness that exists in the world, so to be honest, I really look forward to it.  

9        Worst on stage experience? 

About two weeks ago, the host of the night was about to call me on stage, and I wasn't feeling very well, I think I had eaten something which wasn't cooked properly. Adrenaline and salmonella poisoning is not the greatest cocktail. And well, I am sure you can figure out how this story ends.  

10    How do you recover from a hefty heckle? Do you have a set of stock replies? 

I love heckling. Like fun heckling. I get stag do's being homophobic a lot, which isn't ideal, but if a heckle is good, you can have LOADS of fun with it. It just makes every show different. My favourite one was as I was coming to the stage, a man just sighed. I hadn't even started! 

11    What do you love about Scotland? 

Scotland is always up for a good time. Whether it be the Fringe or a sporting event, anything, Scottish people get behind it. They care. They are loud and brash and they really don't mind who sees. I love that. 

12    What do you like about Edinburgh? 

It has everything you need, culture, a nightlife, Topman. There is so much to do and see. If you want to look at panda' can go and look at a panda. If you want some cashmere...every shop sells cashmere. And if you want the best view can climb Alberts Peak. 

13    What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done? 

What's a Scottish thing to do? Like dye my hair ginger whilst drinking irn Bru, flashing my kilt and learning the bagpipes? If so, I haven't really done anything Scottish. I tried whisky once...not for me. 

14    Who’s your favourite Scottish comedian? 

 Billy Connelly. As everyone's should be. He is the one. A craftsman. A gentleman. An outstanding story teller. I was lucky enough to see him live years and years ago. I was in awe. If I could emulate 10% of what he does, I would be a very happy lad. 

15    Favourite joke? 

 A dyslexic man walks into a bra. 

16    Favourite Scottish food/drink? 

 Caravan. It is a Thai Restaurant in Edinburgh. So good. Incredibly good. The Billy Connolly of Pad Thai! 

Brennan Reece: Everglow is on at Pleasance Courtyard until August 28.