James Meehan talks about his new show, Class Act. 

1 Tell us about your Fringe show

The show is called Class Act. Its focus is on working class people and their involvement in the arts, but it's also about my childhood, family, classism, films and the band KISS. You know, all the important subjects.

2 Best thing about the Fringe?

Seeing loads of shows. Eating whatever you like for a month but it being OK because you walk for 12 hours a day.

3 Worst thing about the Fringe?

Witnessing the ruination of the most beautiful city in the UK. My face on a poster on a lamp post is great and obviously improves it but every other face spoils it.
4 How many years have you been coming to the Fringe?

My first visit as a punter was 2008. My first time performing was 2013 and I've been here every August since.

5 Favourite Fringe venue?

The Attic in The Pleasance Courtyard. A tiny black sweat box that has magical powers. It was the home of The League of Gentlemen many years ago when they won the Edinburgh award, and it's also where my sketch group Gein's Family Giftshop performed our debut show in 2014.
6 Best Fringe memory?

Hands down the first late night Funz and Gamez that we did in 2014. We drank, we sang, we laughed and I got to watch my mate Will Duggan be beaten up by a wrestler.
7 Best heckle?

There is no good heckle. However, the most soul destroying one was during a free fringe show in 2013. The stage was just in the bar area of a pub and a man won the jackpot on the quiz machine. I'll never forget those dropping coins.
8 Craziest on stage experience?

We jumped on at a late night gig in 2014 and just made it up as we went along. Phil Ellis pretended he was a bloke called Cuban John and I had a catchphrase that involved me dropping my trousers and shouting f**k off. In our defence it was after midnight and we might have had a few drinks.
9 What’s on your rider?

I'm from Lancashire so let’s go down that route. Butter pies, chips and gravy, Chorley cakes and Vimto.
10 How do you wind down after a show?

In Edinburgh, a pint or going back to the flat to play boardgames like a proper bloke.
11 What do you love about Scotland?

Graham Alexander- Best player Preston North End have had in my life time.
12 What do you like about Edinburgh?

I think I've covered this already but it is pretty much the most beautiful city in the UK. That coupled with the food, ale, and the best coffee shop I've ever been to make it incredible.

13 What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

Not sure. I desperately wanted to be Scottish during Scotland's vote for independence. If you get the chance to leave again please take the north of England with you.
14 What kind of jokes do a Scottish crowd seem to respond to?

The audiences in Scotland are generally comedy savvy which is great because you get to be more ambitious in what you do. Saying that, they also loved the sketch that Gein's did where Ed got his cock out.
15 Favourite joke?

How much my rent is for the month of August.

16 Favourite Scottish food/drink?

Seafood. Visited Inveraray last year and the seafood was off the chain. I'd knock that back with an Islay Single Malt and coke.

James Meehan: Class Act is on at Just the Tonic at the Tron until August 28.