Kate Higgins


Likes weans and wittering, cooking and carousing, gardening and girning. Committed to changing Scotland one blog post at a time, here and on her own site, A Burdz Eye View. Passionate about social justice and making sure those currently without, get theirs.

Likes weans and wittering, cooking and carousing, gardening and girning. Committed to changing Scotland one blog post at a time, here and on her own site, A Burdz Eye View. Passionate about social justice and making sure those currently without, get theirs.

Latest articles from Kate Higgins

Jimmy Savile: why we must always believe the children

1. We must always listen to and believe children, and make it safe for them to speak out if they are being abused.  And it’s everybody’s responsibility to do so. If you’re concerned about a child, there are some simple things you can do. Children 1st has ten top tips to protect children free to download from the website to give children the space they need to trust and to tell you. And then you must act. You must report it to the police.