Latest articles from Mike Small

Exclusive Time to abolish the Queen of the Kleptocracy

IN a week where Britain seemed to be collapsing under the weight of its own venal chaos, one event among the rest stood out. The revelation that millions of pounds of “the Queen’s private money” is invested in offshore funds in Caribbean tax havens should have caused more outrage than it did. Instead, in the wake of the implosion of Cabinet government it’s almost been forgotten by the end of the week.

Shouting down those who don't share your narrow vision is about as far from the spirit of the Yes movement as you can get

At the height of the wave of jubilant celebratory Yesness that swept Scotland before the referendum anything seemed possible. People were thinking for themselves, challenging everything. The marginalised and disaffected found a new voice to express decades of pent-up frustration. The basic realisation that we don’t get the government we elect, that we don’t run our own country, was charged with other questions about gender class and community, about the military and banks and business. It was joyous chaos. Dissent was king.