To tie in with the official announcement of this year's James McCash Scots Poetry Competition, run jointly by The Herald and the University of Glasgow, here is one of the 101 poems collected in The Smeddum Test, an anthology of the best entries for the years 2003-2012 (Kennedy and Boyd, £12.95).

It is by Sheila Templeton.


I winna seek tae meet my luve

lik ither lasses. Nae for me

the midnicht runes, the folded

fresh plucked rose, garlands

o lang fennel, orpine, green birks

decked wi lilies, the giddy loupin

ower the boon fires. Raither

I wad lie alang the warld's curve

its sweet spine, watch sunset's

lowe dee smeerless in the West

half grown shinin corn reeshlin

a promise o steepled stooks

my nicht a moth-glimmer mune

and daur the silence;

daur tae listen for it, that still

waarm beatin hert happed deep

in aathing we ken o earth.