THE 60th Eurovision Song Contest reaches its finale in Vienna tomorrow.

But I much prefer the kind of singing contest described here to the great pop jamboree.


Blackbird and thrush

Work a shift system

On my TV aerial at dusk.

They're running a Eurovision

Song Contest for two.

Which one gets my vote?

Blackie's melody is plangent

And reflective, quite at odds

With the irascible chook

Who clatters in shrubberies

Or suicidally swoops in front

Of cars on country roads.

Thrush is the aristocrat,

Indomitable in dark and cold and wind,

Exhorting all, with endless urgency,

To be, like him, a cheery jo.

Which is the master?

Is speckled breast

A cut above the rest?

Or is golden beak

The vocal peak?