IN this relative 12-day period of referendum ceasefire the reality of many Scots' employment prospects continues to be under pressure.

One glaring example is illustrated by a recent visit to my local RBS premises. On conclusion of my business the teller inquired politely, but in somewhat subdued tones, if I had received satisfactory service. She added that I would possibly receive a phone call and would I confirm my satisfaction.

I confirmed positively on both counts. Regrettably, this was one unsolicited phone call that did not materialise.

The potential closure of a local bank affects not only the entire local community but also the future of local competent staff. Whilst I am already disillusioned with the RBS hierarchy's leadership I would expect the bank employees' union and party political activists to vociferously comment on what seems to be a veiled closure by stealth campaign.

Allan C Steele,

22 Forres Avenue,
