I AM truly saddened that such an intelligent contributor to these letters pages as Allan C Steele should put his name to such a divisive and ill-considered letter as that on hunting (November 18).

To link illegal poaching with legal foxhunting shows a strange attitude to the law. It would appear that he is justifying law-breaking on the basis of poverty. Perhaps he should try that as a defence when arrested if he attempted shoplifting. I am sure he would get short shrift from the courts.

To add what might be considered class prejudice to his argument is nothing short of irresponsible. I know several people who hunt and they do not conform to his "landed gentry" jibe, but come from all sectors of society.

Hunting and shooting are not "wanton killing of birds and animals" but in the case of hunting it is vermin control. Perhaps Mr Steele has never entered a hen house into which a fox has gained access and seen the mass slaughter of every living creature.

In the case of shooting this is effectively harvesting a food supply which has lived a free and natural life up to that point. The quality of life of these creatures is infinitely better than the poor battery animals which stock the supermarket shelves.

Mr Steele should note that a recent report showed that those involved in hunting and shooting did far more for conservation of wildlife than all the charitable organisations put together.

David Stubley,

22 Templeton Crescent,
