PROFESSOR Tony Trewavas's letter on scientific "dogma" (October 17) astonishes me.

First of all he construes my comment about the origins of the Scientific Alliance as meaning that I think he's "in the pay of the oil industry" when I said no such thing.

I referred to statements on various websites that his organisation was created in 2001 by a PR man and the director of the British Aggregates Association, who is quoted as saying that he was "fed up with all this environmental stuff".

Unless these statements are fabrications, it seems to me that the contrast I made between the Scientific Alliance and authoritative scientific organisations such as the Royal Society (to name but one of many) remains relevant.

However, it is his accusation that these internationally renowned scientific organisations are guilty of "dogma" - the very antithesis of the scientific approach -that is truly breathtaking. Does he really think that these organisations have somehow been taken over by scientists who are bent on twisting every piece of evidence to fit with their mistaken belief systems?

Colin Weatherley,

8 The Paddock,
