CHANCELLOR George Osborne is to go head with the plan to take benefits away from better-off pensioners.

Better-off than whom remains to be seen.

The Coalition will make the cuts after the 2015 General Election. Unless it is chucked out of office by a grey protest vote, in which case the dirty deed will be done by Labour.

This fiscal robbery may be welcomed by those who are not well-off OAPs but it sends a dangerous message to future generations. Later-life apartheid will only encourage people not to get jobs as merchant bankers and build up a huge pension pot. Footballers may eschew a career with Chelsea or Manchester City on the grounds that the state will look after them in old age.

Existing allowances must be maintained to promote self-sufficiency and enterprise culture. There may have to be a re-engineering of terminology. The winter fuel allowance will be renamed the summer air-conditioning benefit for those who live on the Costa del Caliente. The money must be ring-fenced and seen to come off the electricity bill and not spent on cava and langoustines.

If benefits are axed or taxed for codgers with a bit of disposable income there should be some segregation from those living off the state. Those on the full bus pass will have to sit at the back. And give up the seat if necessary to a paying pensioner.

Over-75s with a free TV licence may only watch in black and white and viewing will be restricted to council telly.

An example will have to be made of those feckless enough to have worked as a cleaner or some other low-paid job which does not provide for a comfy retirement. This will also apply to those who had a pension pot but blew it on roulette machines down the bookies or playing online bingo.

These unfortunates will be interviewed by Atos doctors and be warned that using a zimmer or being bed-ridden does not necessarily make a person unfit for work.

The basic pension will be renamed the Workhouse Allowance and recipients will be required to dress for the part. Ladies will have a Victorian-style uniform of a shawl, a pair of clogs, malnutrition, and no teeth. For grannies without decent stubble on the chin facial hair will be provided. Gents must wear a doffable cap.

Desperate measures, but the alternative is a tax on scones, rainmates, and Complan.

tom shields Old-age economics

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