For me, sprouts are right up there as the number one winter vegetable, always has been and always will be. My top four have to be – Brussels sprouts, parsnips, swede (also known as neeps or turnips) and cauliflower.

Brussels sprouts are Christmas all wrapped up in green leaves – they’re a golf ball size of sweet, earthy, buttery goodness. And the best bit? The convenience. You can microwave the little emerald jewels - just chuck the pierced bag in the microwave with a drop of water for two minutes and they’re perfect. 

If you’re still saying that you don’t like these little green critters then try my top taste combinations out for size – 

- Blend the sprouts with cream and almonds to make a smooth, warming wintery soup. Serve with buttered crumpets and almond butter.

- Sauté the sprouts with butter, sage and chestnuts, beansprouts and soy sauce and serve with boiled fluffy rice.

- If you like something with a kick, try frying the sprouts with kidney beans, tomatoes, chilli, pimentos and potatoes.

- For an Oriental twist, mix cooked sprouts with ginger, spring onion, Chinese spices, egg fried rice and sea bass.

- A warm chicken salad, baby sprouts, hazelnuts, garlic and basil.

- The perfect bubble and squeak - sprouts, lemon, cooked potatoes, smoked haddock, nutmeg, onion and thyme.

- Finely sliced sprouts served cold with smoked salmon, walnuts and walnut oil, French beans and finely chopped onions. Finish with chilli-buttered toasted brioche on the side.

My favourite recipe has to be my French/Brussels Onion Soup. Serve it with toasted cheese and sultana scones, sour cream and cayenne pepper – it’s heaven on a plate!

1 Finely slice lots of Brussels sprouts and roughly four onions. Fry until golden brown.

2 Add one tablespoon of flour and cook out for five minutes.

3 Add 1½ pint of brown stock, a few drops of Lea & Perrins, soy sauce and brown HP sauce and a sprinkle of fennel seeds. Cook out for 45 minutes.

4 Meanwhile, toast the cheese and sultana scones under the grill for four to five minutes.

5 To serve, pour the clear soup into four bowls and serve with toasted cheese and sultana scones, cayenne pepper and peppered sour cream.      

Go and enjoy your sprouts – and remember they’re to be enjoyed all year round and not to be pushed to the side of an empty plate on Christmas Day.