If you're looking for a healthy light lunch which is quick and simple to make then look no further. Sweet with a fine texture, sea bass is a popular feature on many restaurant menus and rightly so.

Sea bass with grapes, cucumber and yogurt

Serves 4

2 cucumbers

250g red grapes, seedless

Leaves of 1 small bunch of fresh mint

Leaves of 1 small bunch of dill

Half a lemon

A pinch of sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

200g natural yogurt

3tbsp olive oil

4 x 150g fillets of sea bass

Peel each cucumber and slice them in half lengthways. Scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon then chop the cucumbers into thin crescents and place them in a large bowl.

Wash and halve the grapes, then add to cucumbers. Roughly chop the mint and dill, and add them too.

Season with some lemon juice, salt and pepper, add the yogurt and 1tbsp olive oil and mix well.

Heat the remaining olive oil in a heavy-based frying pan. Place the sea bass fillets skin side down in the pan and season with a little salt and pepper.

Allow 1-2 minutes so that the skin crisps up, then turn the fillets carefully and cook for 2 minutes on the other side, squeezing the half lemon over the fish while still in the pan.

Serve each fillet with some of the cucumber and grape salad.