In the same way it is important to learn how to manage your money and your health, it's important to learn how to manage your career.

Skills Development Scotland's (SDS) careers coaches work in schools with students to develop career management skills. They can help you work out what you're good at, what's out there for you, and who can help you get there.

SDS want to support you to develop the ability to adapt and succeed, whatever life throws at you.

SDS careers coaches are highly trained specialists in their field supported by a wealth of knowledge.  They work in line with Curriculum for Excellence and this is backed up by the practical support which can be found online at

The My World of Work webservice brings together all of the course, job and career-related information you need to make choices about your future, whatever the stage of your education or working life.

On the website you can find advice articles, tools and videos to help you every step of the way. There is a wide variety of topics from subject choices to Modern Apprenticeships. You can explore information about exam results and the options on leaving school, preparing for a job and volunteering. You can also find tools to help you work out your strengths, look for opportunities, and links to SDS partner sites which also offer support.

From S1 to S6 you can access support from your school careers coach through weekly drop-in clinics. As you move into S3 and beyond careers coaches also provide group sessions and one-to-one coaching.

Parents and carers can find a wide range of practical and reliable advice to help their son or daughter make an informed choice about their future online at

Teachers have access to resources to support the development of career management skills in the classroom in line with the outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence at My World of Work's popular Partner Zone.