THE SNP launched its regional council election manifesto in Tayside

yesterday confident of wresting the administration from Labour.

The party holds 10 seats on Tayside Regional Council compared to

Labour's 18 and the Conservatives' 13.

Councillor Frances Duncan, SNP group leader on the council, believes

the party will win the votes of ''disaffected Tories'' and remove the

current Labour administration at the elections on May 5.

The party is confident it can pick up seats in Angus, Dundee, and

Perth and Kinross next month.

Councillor Duncan said SNP candidates would ''fight to resist any

attempt by Government to transfer any of the existing powers of local

government, whether it be centralising them directly under the Scottish

Office or under a centrally appointed non-elected board or through


The manifesto criticises the Government's moves to privatise water and

sewerage services and calls for the retention of social work committees.

The document also labels Government proposals for local government

reform as a ''threat to local democracy''.