A campaign has been launched to install a double sculpture of Professor Sir Neil MacCormick at Edinburgh University.
Friends and admirers of the thinker - who served as the university's regius professor of public law for half his life - hope to raise money for a series of four busts.
Backed by the university itself, they would like two of the busts to be in the entrance way of the law school.
Sculptor Kenny Hunter said the double sculpture - called Dialogos - would represent the "striking duality to Sir Neil's character, to his achievements and, indeed, to his intellectual worldview and considerable body of work."
Mr Hunter added: "To this end it is anticipated that the double portrait would be sited to the right of the entrance as if in conversation, i.e. facing each other, affording different views of the artwork depending on how the viewer is moving through the space."
Sir Neil, who died in 2009, was not just a fine legal mind, those championing his sculpture said.
The son of a founder of the SNP and one of the national movement's greatest thinkers, Sir Neil served as an MEP and as an advisor to the SNP on Europe. Two other busts will be installed in the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the National Portrait Gallery.