This week’s best deals assessed by analysts at

Pick of the Week
Post Office Money has reviewed its two-year fixed rate Help to Buy mortgage, which is now priced at 3.74 per cent to July 31, 2018. This deal is for first and second time buyers who borrow from £25,001 to £500,000 at 95 per cent loan-to-value. No fee is payable and an incentive package of free valuation and a £400 cash rebate is available. This deal also has the flexibility to make overpayments up to 10 per cent of the outstanding balance.

Variable Rates

Coventry BS (0800 121 8899) rate 2.35 per cent for term; 90 per cent maximum loan-to-value; fee £999; free valuation (max £670); remortgages free legal fees. No redemption.


Furness BS (0800 220568) rate 1.40 per cent discounted for two years; 80 per cent maximum loan-to-value; fee £999; free valuation (max £335) and £150 towards legal fees. No redemption.