POLICE Scotland's chief constable has ordered the release of his financial interests two days after the force refused to reveal the information.

The Sunday Herald disclosed how the force had blacked out the "financial" section of Phil Gormley’s register of interest.

However, he has now confirmed having a “number” of investments managed by a “financial management company”. The redaction was lifted this morning.

John Foley, the Chief Executive Officer of the Scottish Police Authority, which oversees Police Scotland, said:

"The redaction of information in the Chief Constable's Declaration of Interests under 'Financial Interests' and 'Interests of Other Persons' was an administrative oversight by Police Scotland and as such he has asked the SPA to make full disclosure of the redacted information.”

Mr Gormley said: "I have a number of investments that are managed by a Financial Management company acting on my behalf, the investments involve the purchase and sale of shares by the Financial Management company frequently throughout the year. I have no detailed knowledge of the investments and to the best of my knowledge, I have no investments which represent a conflict of interest.”

The “interest of other persons” section of his register of interest had also been redacted by the force, but Gormley has now provided transparency.

"My wife has owned a consultancy (Phlair Consultancy Ltd) since her retirement in September 2015. The very limited work that the company has been involved in to date presents no conflict of interest."

The Sunday Herald also revealed earlier this year that Gormley was temporarily living rent-free at a castle owned by the Government.

He is now staying at the Tulliallan Police College on a longer-term basis and paying rent.

The SPA refused to provide details of the rental payments at the weekend, but the watchdog changed its position after an intervention by the chief constable:

“In relation to rent and council tax payments, while we believe this to be personal information, the Chief Constable has decided, in the spirit of transparency, to confirm that from August 1, he will pay a monthly amount of £770 to stay in accommodation in part of Tulliallan Police College. This represents an appropriate market rental rate for the accommodation including council tax.

“Rather than incur extra public expense, Mr Gormley agreed to the request from the SPA to stay in the apartment for six months when he first took up post. During this time the current market rent was agreed with the Authority to take affect from August 1. The Chief Constable is the first officer to pay rental for the use of the apartment, which was formally occupied by previous Directors."