STUDENTS at one of Scotland’s top universities are getting bouncy castles, knitting classes and David Attenborough recordings to help combat exam stress.

Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council is in the middle of three weeks of pampering because so many undergraduates struggle with anxiety over end-of-year exams.

Last year it was revealed counselling services at several UK universities were facing a rise in demand of around 10 per cent from students struggling to cope with life on campus.

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The university has already tried “therapy dogs” to help make students feel calm in the warm up to the end of year revision and exam period.

Group knitting sessions, yoga and letting loose with a Muay Thai punch pad are on offer. A doodle board has also been set up in the library so students can let off steam through art.

The bouncy castle event promises “a wee jump around to bounce away all your exam stresses and troubles or to get yourself warmed up on another absolutely Baltic Monday”.