A judge says a teenage couple detained for life for murdering a mother and daughter should be named in media reports.

The boy and girl - both 14 at the time of the murders - had sex, shared a bath and watched vampire-themed films after the stabbing of dinner lady Elizabeth Edwards, 49, and 13-year-old Katie Edwards.

Both killers were handed 20-year minimum terms at Nottingham Crown Court last month by Mr Justice Haddon-Cave, who said the pair had a ''toxic'' relationship and had acted in a ''grotesque'' way.

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Mr Justice Haddon-Cave said on Thursday that both should be named.

But he said the teenagers' identities would remain secret pending any appeal bid by their lawyers.

Jurors at Nottingham Crown Court had heard how the boy used a kitchen knife to stab both victims in the neck after attacking them as they slept at their home in Spalding, Lincolnshire, in April.

The boy had admitted murder.

His girlfriend, who helped to plan the killings, denied murder but admitted manslaughter.

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She claimed to have been suffering a mental abnormality which impaired her ability to form rational judgments.

Jurors found her guilty of murder after a five-day trial.