Two osprey chicks hatched over the weekend at a Lochaber nest fitted with a web camera.

The nest at Loch Arkaig Forest, was recently purchased by Woodland Trust Scotland in partnership with local group Arkaig Community Forest.

The nest camera, supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery is solar powered and will beam out live footage throughout the summer.

The male parent bird had a long three week wait to find a mate and so was nicknamed Lonesome Louis. A partner – Aila – did appear eventually!

The pair are believed to be young inexperienced birds in their first breeding attempt.

The osplets hatched on Saturday and Sunday.

Woodland Trust Scotland has plans for the longterm regeneration of the spectacular forest at Loch Arkaig, one of the largest remaining fragments of ancient Caledonian pinewood remaining.

The forest was the site of commando training during World War II.  A scene in the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was filmed there.

Woodland Trust spokesman George Anderson said: “The Arkaig ospreys have been a big hit online, partly because they are such novices. Louis in particular is a bit goofy. He sometimes brings a stick when a fish would be more welcome but they are settling well into parenthood now.”

All five nests in the vicinity failed to produce chicks last year. It is believed extended rainy weather stopped the adult ospreys from fishing. When it rains they cannot see the fish. This year’s better weather has suited them better.

For more information and to watch the live feed, CLICK HERE.