FIREFIGHTERS have warned that wildfires can kill as efforts to tackle three in the Highlands entered a second day.

Crews remain in attendance in the Sligachan to Carbost area of the Isle of Skye, where a large wildfire first took hold at 9.51am on Sunday.

Firefighters are also still tackling a wildfire in the Torridon area of the Highlands which has been ongoing since 10.30am on Sunday.

And a wildfire in Achintee, Strathcarron has also seen firefighters today working hard with water and beaters to extinguish the fire involving grass.

A warning for an increased risk of wildfires is in place across Scotland until Thursday, May 31.

Members of the public are being urged to play their part in preventing further potentially devastating fires.

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: "Crews are working tirelessly to extinguish significant wildfires on the Isle of Skye, Torridon and Strathcarron highland areas.

"Wildfires have the potential to kill, cause serious injury and destroy wildlife and property."