A MAN sexually assaulted a woman at a bowling venue in Glasgow city centre.

Piotr Woszczak, 38, admitted to rubbing the victim’s leg, handling her breasts over her clothing, placing his hand on her vagina over her clothing, and kissing her face.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that the woman, who he knew, was walking home when she bumped into Woszczak – who asked her to go out for a drink.

She refused and said she had other things to do. However, the pair later agreed to meet for a drink, along with another man.

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All three were drinking before attending Bowlarma on Glassford Street for a game of bowling and more drinks.

Shortly before midnight, the woman left the bowling alley to go to the toilet.

When she returned, Woszczak sat next to her and started feeling her breasts over her top and underwear.

He then felt her upper thigh and groin area over her clothing.

The man in their company felt uncomfortable and notified security to keep an eye on Woszczak.

The procurator fiscal told the court: “Witnesses all observed the accused’s behaviour and noted the woman highly intoxicated. The accused continued in his course of conduct and kissed the woman to her face at which point a member of security staff ejected him via the front door.

“Witnesses thereafter left the locus.”

The court heard that the man made sure the woman got home safely.

On August 12, she attended a police office to report the incident.

Cops attended Woszczak’s work in February and arrested him.

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He was taken to London Road police office where he was cautioned and charged and made no reply.

Woszczak, from Cranhill, was to appear for sentencing at Glasgow Sheriff Court but was not present when the hearing called on May 8.

Sheriff Mary Shields asked for the circumstances of the offence to be read out so it could be recorded and sent to the social work department.

Sentencing was deferred for his personal appearance and for a social work report to be carried out.

The case will call again next month.