Warlingham 32 Old Whitgiftians 8 Warlingham clinched a historic victory over local rivals Old Whitgiftians on Saturday to climb to third place in Surrey Division One.

Warlingham's third successive league victory was their first ever at this level against Whits, with full back Mark Kozminski weighing in with 17 points, including one try, and Neil Robson going over the Old Whits' line twice in the second half.

The game started at a rapid pace, with Warlingham's scrum half James McWilliam breaking away in the fifth minute to score under the posts. This was quickly followed 10 minutes later with a similar try from Kozminski, who converted both tries to give the home side an early 14-0 lead.

After Kozminski scored a penalty, Old Whits came back with a vengeance and following a scrum on the 22-metre line the ball came back to fly-half Gordon Colleta who scored an unconverted try in the corner. Two further penalties were kicked by Kozminski to make the half time score 20-5.

The third quarter was dominated by Old Whitgiftians who camped on the Warlingham line but failed to breach it as a result of fine defensive tackling by the back row led by captain Barry Ruddock and ably assisted by Tom Street and Mick Wong.

Old Whits' only reward was a penalty kicked by Colleta. Warlingham responded in the best way possible by rounding the match off with two fine tries from Robson. Warlingham's Second XV continued their 100 per cent record by beating Old Rutlishians 62-0.

This Saturday, Warlingham travel to Putney Vale to take on London Cornish.