FIVE men who sexually exploited a 15-year-old girl in Rochdale have been jailed.

Many of the abusers plied her with vodka and cannabis before their offences, Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court heard.

One of the offenders, Freddie Kendakumana, was first arrested in December 2008 after the girl complained to police that he had raped her the month before.

The girl was told by an officer that it was important not to have any future dealings with Kendakumana, 27, while the investigation continued but she later said she had bumped into him at a flat. The investigation was dropped before he was rearrested and charged, along with his co-defendants, in October 2012.

Kendakumana was jailed for eight and a half years after he was convicted of rape and sexual activity with a child. Chola Chansa, 33, Abdul Huk, 37, Mohammed Rafiq Abubaker, 25, and Roheez Khan, 27, all received shorter jail terms for sexual activity with a child.