"When I was in second year I enjoyed playing football and it was the end of the term so all the PE classes got to choose what they wanted to do and most of the boys chose football.

And me and another girl in my year wanted to play football but the PE teacher said we weren't allowed because it was mostly boys." 14-year-old

"I spoke at an international conference, talking to a large, senior audience about a specialist subject. The only bit of feedback I received was about the dress I wore." Woman in full-time employment.

"Women are at the forefront of much of the grassroots political activism in Scotland - we're the ones working for charities, setting up food banks or providing care for family members that can't get help from public services. But I can't see that included in any of the discussions in the general election," Student

"I've noticed that some women seem to "plateau" in our work when they have children," Woman in full-time work