GLASGOW will submit its formal bid to host the 2018 Youth Olympics today as one of its key rivals to stage the event dropped out on cost grounds, and amid financial warnings over Scotland's bid.

On the eve of a delegation flying to Switzerland to deliver Glasgow's nomination, Poznan said it had withdrawn its bid after councillors in the Polish city voted overwhelmingly against providing financial guarantees of £14.9 million to organise the Youth Olympic Games (YOG).

The city, which has bid three times to stage the YOG and lost out to Nanjing for the 2014 event by just five votes, has pulled the plug despite support from Poznan's mayor and Government ministries.

Speculation had also been mounting that Mexico's Guadalajara was gearing up to scrap its bid amid political concerns over debt hanging over from staging the Pan American Games last year, but the city said it would still submit a nomination.

The decision by a European competitor to withdraw is good news for Glasgow, with votes from supporters for a European bid now split just two ways.

But the withdrawal of Poznan on the basis of figures that Glasgow's £230m bid dwarfs has reignited concerns about the outlay amid a decade of public spending squeezes.