MORE than 20,000 are supporting a campaign that calls for the north of England to join Scotland.


Protesters aim to lobby Westminster over the move saying that northern English "feel far greater affinity with their Scottish counterparts such as Glasgow and Edinburgh than with the ideologies of the London-centric south".

Signatures to the petition demands secession from the UK.

It suggests the boundaries of Britain be realigned so that the border runs between the River Dee and the mouth of The Humber.

It would mean that cities such as Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester would be part of Scotland.

The campaigners who have launched the move online with the slogan #TakeUsWithYouScotland says: "The deliberations in Westminster are becoming increasingly irrelevant to the north of England.

"The needs and challenges of the north cannot be understood by the endless parade of old Etonians lining the front benches of the House of Commons. The north of England should join the newly independent Scotland and regain control over its own destiny."

The petition first drawn up during the Scottish independence referendum has gained a new lease of life since the General Election with 5000 signing up in the past four days.

George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer is the only constituency MP from the north of England who has a seat in the new cabinet.