Billionaire Donald Trump has accused Alex Salmond of abusing his power and "hurting the people of Scotland" over his support for wind farms.

Speaking as he opened the newly refurbished clubhouse at Trump Turnberry, the tycoon said he would consider pulling out of his golf complex in Aberdeen if a proposed off shore wind farm at the site goes ahead.

It comes after a Court if Session decision on Friday which gave the green light for the turbines despite an appeal by Trump.

Trump has indicated that he intends to appeal to the Supreme Court in London and European courts, and today said he has "four or five years of appeals left", indicating a lengthy legal battle is likely to ensue before a final decision is reached.

Mr Trump, who has spent $10m renovating the clubhouse at Turnberry, added: "Alex Salmond is abusing his power by having these horrendous wind turbines littering Scotland."

Referring to a drop in the price of oil, he added: "The technology is obsolete, they didn't work at $100 a barrel and they certainly don't work at $50 a barrel."