This is the horror moment doctors examined a patient with a headache and were confronted by a spider which crawled out her ear. 

Lekshmi L, 49, woke up from an afternoon nap on her veranda with a "slight discomfort" and tingling sensation in her right ear. 

Suspecting an obstruction, she tried to dig around in her ear with her finger and asked her daughter to look inside using a torch.

But when she developed an excruciating pain in her head her husband rushed her to Columbia Asia Hospital in Hebbal, India, where doctors spotted a LIVE spider. 

Astonished medics poured a "liquid medicine" inside her ear canal and filmed as the massive spider climbed out her ear leaving a web behind.

A toe-curling video filmed by the doctor shows the spiders massive eyes glinting under the torch light as it scurries to the edge of her ear. 

Dr. Santosh Shivaswamy, consultant ENT specialist at Columbia Hospital, who treated the mother, said: "It is common to see emergency room visits due to the presence a foreign object in the ear and it takes a simple procedure to remove the object. 

"However, when a living insect makes its way inside a human ear, the patient's anxiety makes it difficult to continue the procedure. 

"It was a rare to see a live spider moving inside someone's ear canal. 

"I was terrified as I could feel movement of a creature in my ear. 

"The acute earache followed by sharp pains suffocated me. 

"I couldn't think of anything and was petrified when the doctor confirmed presence of a spider in my ear." 

Doctors said there was no lasting damage to the woman's ear.