Hardeep Singh Kohli’s excellent piece about the vanity of politicians dying their hair omitted one detail – he was talking only about men (My beard has more salt than pepper but I'd never dye, Comment, June 19).

The day after the TV spectacle of the "Boris and The Women" debate on Europe, a radio pundit remarked on the novelty of seeing Gisela Stuart on the stage, with grey hair, "a grandmother taking part in the debate". In the wider debate we heard from Grandad Major, Grandad Lawson, Grandad Geldof, Grandad Branson ... I could go on.

What keeps Hillary Clinton, the greatest granny of all, stuck in the hairdresser’s chair every four weeks, in plastic and peroxide when she could be doing something useful, isn’t vanity. It’s the wearisome understanding that she has to suffer like that to have the audience listen to what she has to say.

L Dunlop
