HIGHLANDS & Islands Enterprise (HIE) is a vitally important agency for the future prosperity of that still vulnerable region of Scotland, but Holyrood politicians are playing a duplicitous game with it. They plan to submerge HIE in an all Scotland super-quango - protesting that nothing will change, but knowing well that before very long its independence will be whittled down, its powers curtailed and its budget diverted to support political priorities in other parts of Scotland. We've seen it all before, with the police and fire services. On this occasion the plan is even being pushed through without any parliamentary discussion or approval.

The Highlands and Islands Development Board (HIDB) was set up in 1965 (and its successor HIE in1991) with very special parliamentary provisions to give the Highlands and Islands an edge, and to ensure that what was for so long Scotland's problem region, would receive special treatment for its distinctive economic and social challenges. It was given strong levers of discretionary financial support for business development (including grants, loans, shares, property, training, marketing) and unique powers to promote community development. Its budgets were ring-fenced exclusively for the Highlands & Islands, and its decision-making was carried out within the area by a dedicated board and staff who were closely in touch with and answerable to its diverse communities.

This made HIE a very effective agency for change, which over half a century has been integral to the economic and social improvement of the area. Sadly, all this will be put in acute peril if the centralising proposals are implemented, followed by the inevitable draining away of powers and budgets to the Central Belt. Let everyone who cares for the future of the Highlands and Islands tell their MSPs what an ill-advised and underhand plan this is.

David Henderson,

9 Beaufort Road, Inverness.