YOUR front-page lead headline today ("Scots patient lose out on pioneering MS treatment", The Herald, October 18) jumped out at me. It's just something else they lose out on. My son loses out on normal family life; he loses out as a husband and father ... he cannot help in the home or play with his children, aged six and eight; he has been assessed as unfit for work after 15 years as, guess what? A sports graduate working to help disadvantaged children in Easterhouse. He loses out on a salary at the end of the month; he loses out on holidays; his wife and family lose out. I could go on but you'll get the drift: he loses out. Big time. And I haven't even mentioned how he loses out in his head.

He's 41 and can currently walk short distances with a stick. And now he loses out on a wee bit of hope too? Come on Scotland, wee can surely rise up against this situation and do something. After all, we're the best wee country in the world for Multiple Sclerosis.

Patricia Allison,

Barrland Drive, Glasgow.