I NOTE with interest the Agenda article by Lindsay Mackenzie (“Why EU sanctions have a limited effect on taming the "Russian Bear". Although these sanctions are backed by the EU to put pressure on Russia, it would appear that they were being instigated by America in order to blacken Russia. Who really is the villain here?

It is obvious that the Russians feel threatened and need to protect their borders. The United States makes great claims that it is essential to protect its borders. In order to do this, is it necessary to have more than 800 bases all over the world? To put this into context, Britain and France have about 13 between them, mostly in their former colonies, whilst Russia has about nine in former Soviet republics.

A few weeks ago John Pilger presented a two-hour documentary anticipating that the next major war was likely to be between America and China. It showed the numerous US bases on the Pacific islands surrounding China. As the saying goes, be afraid, be very afraid.

Wilf O'Malley,

11 Delnies Road, Inverness.