THE news that Radio Scotland is expected to get rid of music to become a news and sport station in a major revamp, must have struck fear and dismay into the hearts of many of your readers, as it did in mine (“Radio chief at BBC Scotland quits ahead of revamp”, The Herald, July 12).

Do we need more sport on Radio Scotland? No – we don't. There is already too much sport, almost to the point of embarrassment.

Do we need to get rid of music on Radio Scotland and make it available only on a "new music radio station"? No. Why does music need to be segregated? I don't want to have to redial to hear music.

The great thing about radio, and particularly about Radio Scotland, is that – apart from an over-emphasis on sport – it offers a mix (like my preferred daily newspaper, The Herald), and a chance for listeners to hear something they might not have heard had they had to tune into it specially. The joy of life can often be its randomness and we need more joy in life, not less.

Deedee Cuddihy,

10 Otago Street, Glasgow.