AN Irish Republican pressure group has said it will "not be spectators in Scotland's referendum", calling on MSPs to also support an all-Ireland border poll.

The 1916 Societies, an alliance of groups staging commemorative events, including tributes to IRA members who died in the recent conflict, has written to all members of Holyrood, comparing the referendum in Scotland with its desire for a similar vote across the North Channel.

In the letter, Jim Slaven, of the 1916 Societies, said: "The people of Scotland will exercise their right to national self-determination in a constitutional referendum in September 2014 and we believe the people of Ireland have the same right to determine their constitutional future without outside interference or impediment.

"Irrespective of their personal and political positions on independence Scottish parliamentarians have acknowledged the right of the people of Scotland to decide. We ask you to support the campaign for the Irish peoples rights in this regard to be respected."

Mr Slaven: "The 1916 Societies will not be spectators in Scotland's referendum. We will be actively campaigning in Scotland and encouraging Irish republicans in Scotland to vote Yes next September."

An SNP spokesman said: "The future of Northern Ireland is a matter for the people who live and work there, as set out in the Good Friday Agreement which we along with all political parties support. The future of Scotland is a matter for the people of Scotland."