ALEX Salmond has responded to David Cameron's call for a one-to-one debate by saying that "like most posh boys" the Prime Minister would "run away from a fight".

As he rowed with Ed Miliband at Prime Minister's Questions over his reluctance to take part in a programme of TV debates proposed by broadcasters, Mr Cameron said a head-to-head should actually take place between the two people who "actually call the tune - that is me and Alex Salmond" in reference to Labour's refusal to rule out a post election deal with the SNP.

Mr Salmond, who is vying to return to Westminster in the Gordon constituency in May, reacted by saying: "Cameron ran scared during the referendum campaign and now he's running scared again. He should have been called to account last year and should be called to account this year.

"Like most posh boys, given half a chance, he'll run away from a fight. Nicola Sturgeon would eat him for breakfast in a debate."