LABOUR would bring forward a bill giving Scotland sweeping new powers within 100 days of winning the general election, the party said last night.

Shadow Scottish Secretary Margaret Curran said a new Labour government would lay a Home Rule (Scotland) Bill in the Commons to deliver on the pre-referendum vow of more powers and put the work of the Smith Commission into effect.

Curran said Labour would "reset" the strained relationship between the Edinburgh and London governments to achieve greater cooperation; convene a summit of Scotland's island councils to discuss devolving Crown Estate powers to them; and get all Scotland's councils working together to help tackle youth unemployment.

"More powers are coming to Scotland and we shouldn't have to wait for them," she said.

"I want a draft Home Rule Bill on my desk and I want to take it to the Commons in the first 100 days of the next Labour government.

"This will give Scotland extensive new powers over tax, welfare and jobs - it will be the modern Home Rule Bill for Scotland."